
“D”Oil Fired Boiler

  Design Feature:                                         Steam Output:2~150t/h Operating...

“ZYC” Composite Boiler

Design Feature: Plain water tube-oil fired section; Plain smoke tube-exhaust gas section; The boiler is designed with a compact  structure and light weight. Ease of maintenance and operating;    Example: Bohai Shipyard Shanghai Shipyard 57,300DWT Bulker Steam Output: Oil...

“LYF” Composite Boiler

Design Feature: Plain smoke tube-oil fired section; Plain smoke tube-exhaust gas section; The boiler is designed with a compact  structure and light weight. Ease of maintenance and operating;    Example: Tsuneichi Shipyard 52,000DWT BULK CARGO Steam Output: Oil fired...


Design Feature: Steam Output:6~30 t/hr Operating Pressure:0.8~1.8 Mpa All convection bank are pinned tubes. The boiler is designed with a compact structure and a high efficiency. Light weight and ease for maintenance   Example: Hudong Shipyard Group 8,530TEU Steam Output:5,500kg/h Operating...

Product #2

This is the second product example.